Alaska to Africa

I am: a child of God...small-town girl...Upstate-New-Yorker by birth...fisherwoman...outdoors enthusiast...recent college graduate...child-care provider...and soon-to-be certified teacher.

My newest and most exciting adventure (to-date) is a missions trip through Visiting Orphans to Ethiopia and Uganda from July 18th - August 1st!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First Post

Here we go :)

Today, I feel like this whole trip has become more "official". I got my packets of information about the trip in an e-mail from Ashlie, one of the team leaders, and after reading over them, and after "chatting" through e-mail with Ashlie (a fellow teacher!), I am about 1,000,000 times more excited!!!

It's slightly (ok, really) overwhelming to be thinking about raising $3,400 before July (a mere four months from now), especially since about half of that needs to be in by May. What's even more overwhelming is the fact that I am also supposed to be graduating from college on May 5th. So I've also got about a million and a half papers and presentations and classes to do before then.

Put simply? How in the world am I going to do this?


I know that God has it all in control :) I'm going on this trip to bring glory to Him, and it may take a small miracle to get me there, but hey, I've seen Him do it before, and He'll do it again.

So. My plan of action for now til the end of this week:
- Make a list of people to send prayer/support letters to (actually done already, I have 62 individuals/families who I think would be willing to help in whatever way)
- Write a support letter rough draft (have Wendy proof it when finished, if she's willing...big sisters are good for stuff like that)
- Start brainstorming other fundraising ideas
- Go and actually submit my passport application (the paperwork sitting on my printer isn't really getting me anywhere...)
- Finish at least 4 major school assignments/papers

Easy? No way.
Do-able? Hopefully.


  1. When I went to Uganda in February I needed to raise $3500 in less than 3 months, half of which was due in 1 1/2,months. God provided every single cent plus more-a moving experience for me. You will be surprised at how quickly things add up and how much support you will get! And you should be incredibly psyched! Uganda is AMAZING-I want to go back. You will love it. Ethiopia will be a great experience as well. It will change your view on life. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

  2. Do-able? Absolutely!
    And I LOVE your blog header-how did you do that? But hey, it's only Tuesday, and you're well on your way with your list of to-do's!

  3. PS: A blog on our adoption blog link list, A Bushel and a Peck, is written by one of the coordinators of AHope Orphanage, and adopted her two girls from there. Her blog is one of my favorites!

  4. Jess - Thank you!!! I'm sure I will have lots of questions for you, and we'll definitely have to swap stories afterwards :)

    Wendy - I used Picasa! Just made a collage, added text to it, and then uploaded it as a picture to the header. Who knew!

  5. Love the new header, too!
    I'll have to try that...
